The Prior Notice allows the FDA, with the support of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), to target import inspections more effectively.
Imported food products are subject to FDA inspection when offered for import at U.S. ports of entry.
FDA may detain shipments of products offered for import if the shipments are found not to be in compliance with U.S. requirements.
Without Prior Notice, the shipment will be subject to refusal of admission, and may not be delivered to the importer, owner, or consignee.
Keep in mind:
â–ª no prior notice
â–ª inaccurate prior notice
â–ª untimely prior notice
are inadequate prior notices, and will result in refusal of admission.
If FDA and CBP respective electronic systems are not operating (downtime scenarios), prior notice information must be submitted by e-mail, or by fax to the FDA.
When this option is activated, FDA transmits back to the e-mail address from which the prior notice was submitted, an automated receipt response, including the prior notice confirmation number.
A paper copy of FDA’s e-mail receipt confirmation should then be presented to the CBP officer for cargo release processing. Enforcement of prior notice submission will be based on the e-mail receipt confirmation time stamp.
The Prior Notice Center intends to return a fax acknowledgement report, including the prior notice confirmation number. The fax acknowledgement report should then be presented to the CBP officer for cargo release processing.
Ensure that the Bill of Lading Number or Air Waybill Number is provided in the valid format, when requesting a Prior Notice from ITB HOLDINGS LLC. You can simply send a PDF copy of your document.
Don’t be surprised when you get an email from your Customs Broker, FedEx, UPS or DHL. They will not be able to complete their customs clearance without a Prior Notice Confirmation Number.
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