FDA Compliance News: science-based health and safety information you can trust.
Food technology company Eat Just Inc has received a “no questions” letter from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as part of one of the agency’s first pre-market consultations for a new kind of meat, poultry and seafood made from cells instead of raised and slaughtered animals. The company is now working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture on necessary approvals before this cultivated chicken is served at a restaurant near you.
Sunscreens, Fluoride Toothpaste, Antiperspirants, Dandruff Shampoos, Skin Protectants, Topical Analgesics are OTC cosmetics, and therefore both cosmetics and drug products in the United States.
The Dietary Supplements Market size is projected to reach $220.8 billion by 2027, and more than one-third of Americans take dietary supplements in form of tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel caps, powders, bars, gummies, and liquids.
We do understand that running a business can be stressful. So, pass on some of that.
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Myths vs. Facts: sunscreen and sun protection for some only?
In fact, just 1-2% of all skin cancers occur in Blacks, 2-4% occur in Asians, and 4-5% in Hispanics.
Nearly 70 million Americans have a sleep disorder. Combined direct and indirect costs for insomnia in the United States exceed $100 billion annually.
How to ship your products to Amazon U.S. warehouses, and avoid FDA detention of your cargo.
Failure to register your domestic or foreign facility or establishment with the United States Food and Drug Administration before introducing regulated products into interstate commerce, is a prohibited act.
Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) and Food Safety Systems Recognition Arrangements (SRA): Currently, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, are the only countries that have signed SRA with the FDA, for the purpose of Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP).
If you are unable to overcome the appearance of a violation, your product will be refused admission and you can work with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and FDA to destroy the product or export it from the U.S within 90 days of the refusal.
FDA recognizes that the FY 2022 facility fee rates were an increase of 19 percent in comparison to the FY 2021 facility fee rates, and that increase was largely attributed to the decrease in the number of fee-liable facilities. Any lessons learned for the upcoming FY 2023 facilities rates?
In an average year, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) receives approximately 400 requests and grants 250 new approvals.
Before human food made from cultured animal cells can enter the market, the facility in which it is made needs to meet applicable U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements.
Les entreprises étrangères exportant vers les États-Unis doivent identifier un agent de la FDA des États-Unis tel que ITB HOLDINGS LLC au cours du processus d’enregistrement. Puisque la nomination d’un Agent Américain est obligatoire, autant en avoir un qui parle français et enregistre aussi votre entreprise auprès de la FDA.
La registrazione FDA è un prerequisito per esportare cibo negli Stati Uniti. Più di 11.329 aziende alimentari italiane sono registrate presso la FDA degli Stati Uniti. Se la tua azienda non rinnova la registrazione tra il 1° ottobre e il 31 dicembre 2024, devi ottenere un nuovo numero di registrazione FDA.
Más de 7.663 empresas alimentarias mexicanas y 5.052 españolas están registradas ante la FDA de Estados Unidos. Amplíe el mercado para sus productos, hoy. Se requiere que fabricantes y exportadores se registren ante la FDA y realicen una notificación previa a los envío de alimentos a EE.UU.
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4217 से अधिक भारतीय खाद्य कंपनियां युनाइटेड स्टेट्स एफडीए के साथ पंजीकृत हैं, जिसकी आवश्यकता तब होती है जब आप अपने उत्पादों का निर्यात करते हैं। अमेरिकी सीमा शुल्क द्वारा अपने शिपमेंट को रोके जाने से बचें। समय और पैसा बचाएं।
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